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Taiwanese Cuisine Cooking Class

In our Farm-to-Table Taiwanese Cuisine Cooking Class, we aim to tell you how food is made in Taiwan in the homes of local Taiwanese families. Imagine picking ingredients from our backyard garden or nearby farms and then getting your hands dirty in our kitchen. We introduce and prepare traditional Taiwanese dishes, local favorites, and festival treats while exploring the knowledge of traditional fermentation, exotic ingredients, and even traditional Chinese/Taiwanese medicinal herbs. It's like a mini immersion into Taiwanese life through in-depth cooking lessons. You'll get to explore seasonal and festival foods, delve into the authentic farming scene behind those fresh ingredients, savor the flavors of the land, and naturally unwind while soaking up Taiwan's food culture. After the meal, we will introduce some of the best teas made in Taiwan during a tea ceremony, where you will taste three different kinds of teas. You will also get to roast your Alishan oolong tea and pack it home as a souvenir, ending your perfect day immersed in the real Taiwan.


09:30 Assembly

09:40 Farm Tour - Introduction to Taiwan's unique plants and seasonal crops

10:20 Arrival at ShiangTsai Studio 

10:30 Cooking Class Begins

12:00 Lunch 

13:00 Taiwanese Tea Ceremony (Comparative tasting of three types of Taiwanese artisan tea while roasting Oolong tea)

14:00 Tea Sealing Ceremony

​14:30 End of the Class

*The above times are approximate and may vary slightly depending on the circumstances. If you wish to make adjustments due to other plans, please feel free to discuss.

【Farm Tour】Visit our little farm of seasonal local ingredients, picking some of the ingredients for cooking.
【Drink】養生茶/Herbal tea with Chinese medicinal herbs
【Soup】靈芝雞湯/Chicken Soup with Reishi and Shiitake Mushrooms
【Main】麻油雞飯/Sticky Rice with Sesame Oil Chicken
【Side Dish I】紅糟肉/Fried Red Vinasse Pork Belly
【Side Dish II】菜圃蛋/Dried Daikon Radish Omelette
【Tea Snack】綠豆椪/Green Bean Mooncakes

*The menu items listed above are subject to change based on ingredient availability and the farm's schedule. If you have any dietary preferences or ingredients you're not comfortable with, please feel free to discuss.


What is Reishi Mushroom?

Reishi mushroom typically refers to the perennial fungus of the Ganoderma genus, commonly known as Ganoderma lucidum. It is also referred to by various other names such as Lingzhi, Reishi mushroom, Ling Zhi Cao, or Red Reishi. The part of the mushroom used for various purposes is the mature, dried fruiting body. The fruiting body, being woody in texture, is not suitable for direct consumption. It is commonly cut into suitable pieces, brewed in hot water to extract the liquid for consumption, or used in medicinal liquors. Reishi mushrooms are widely used as a health food product, believed to offer a range of health benefits, including enhancing the immune system, regulating blood pressure, and potentially preventing cancer.

We will visit the summer-exclusive Reishi Mushroom greenhouse at a local organic farm.

Location: 竹林松杉靈芝農場

​Organic Certification Number: 1-007-110019

・Explanation of Taiwan's organic certification, the growth of Reishi mushrooms, and cultivation methods

・Tasting of Reishi mushroom tea

・Complimentary gift of Reishi mushroom medicinal packs



Despite being in the countryside, ShiangTsai Cooking Studio is conveniently located just a 10-minute walk from the bus stop for high-speed buses to Taipei. You can reach Taipei 101 in 40 minutes. We currently offer a complimentary pickup service to Jiaoxi Station if needed.



From Taipei Main Station

There are two ways to get from Taipei Station to ShiangTsai:  You can either take a bus or use the Taiwan Railway train.

1. By Bus [Estimated time 75 minutes / Total NT$140].


2. By Train [Approximately 2 hours and 10 minutes / Total NT$199].



From MRT Taipei City Hall Station

From MRT Taipei City Hall Station(Taipei City Hall Bus Station) to ShiangTsai, there are two ways to get there:

You can take a bus that stops at Jiaoxi Transfer Station(礁溪轉運站), or you can take a bus that stops at Zhuangwei Bus Stop(壯圍站).

1. Via Jiaoxi Transfer Station [Travel time: 40 minutes / Total fare: NT$96]


2. Via Zhuangwei Bus Stop [Travel time: 45 minutes / Total fare: NT$131]



Walking from Zhuangwei Bus Stop 

①Get off at the bus stop and cross to the other side of the main road.

②Head north along the main road (turn left after crossing).

③Pass by a large seafood wholesaler called '鮮樂水產,' then, after crossing the next main road, turn into the following narrow street.

​④The residence at the far end on the right, facing a rice field in the front.


For those who want to be healed by Taiwan's nature, here are some recommended nearby spots.


​Paoma Historical Trail


​An old path linking Taipei and Yilan, now a popular weekend trek. It's rich with unique Taiwanese plants, especially ferns, and you might see some native Formosan macaques along the way. ▶︎​Google Map


Jiaosi Hot Spring Forest Baths


Natural carbonic hot springs in Jiaoxi's hot spring district. It's rare in Taiwan, similar to Japan, where you bathe outdoors naked. There's also a popular free foot bath outside. 

▶︎​Google Map


Wufengqi Waterfall


A famous waterfall located at the entrance of a popular hiking trail called Shengmu Mountain Villa. In summer, many young people are seen playing in the water. ▶︎​Google Map

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