In Ep4 we are making the signature dish of our family: Braised meat ball with Chinese Cabbages. It is a dish passed from the area around Shanghai 400 years ago, and still a very famous dish when it comes to banquets or the Lunar New Year. My mom learnt it from grandpa and of course he puts Shaoxing wine in this dish too....
Ground Pork 600g
Green Onions 30g
Ginger 30g
1 Medium Chinese Cabbage
Extra Firm Tofu/Firm Tofu 200g
Dried Shiitake 15Pieces
Egg 1Piece
Salt 1/2 teaspoon
Tapioca Starch/Corn Starch for deep frying
Shaoxing Wine 85g
Soy Sauce 100g
Water 1800g
1. Shiitake soften in water
2. Mince chop green onions, ginger, and shiitake
3. Chop ground pork until creamy
4. Add in tofu, green onions, ginger, shiitake and salt with pork and mix well.(Break down tofu)
5. Make 15 meat balls by hands and deep fry in a pan until it is brown colored
6. Place Chinese cabbages layer by layer in the bottom of the cooking pot
7. Add in Shaoxing wine and soy sauce to the pot and place meat balls on the top of the cooking pot
8. Boil and turn down to low heat, simmer for 1 hour.
9. It would taste better the next day(like curry) since the broth will be back inside the meat balls. Heat up with the amount you would like to have and put the rest back to fridge.
豚挽肉 600g
青ネギ 30g
生姜 30g
白菜 1コ
木綿豆腐 200g
干し椎茸 15コ
卵 1コ
塩 小さじ1/2
紹興酒 85g
醤油 100g
水 1800g
1. 椎茸を水で戻す
2. ねぎ、生姜、椎茸をみじん切りにする
3. 豚肉を包丁で細かく刻み、粘りが出るまでたたき続ける
4. 木綿豆腐、青ネギ、生姜、椎茸と塩を叩いた豚肉に入れて均等によく混ぜる(豆腐は手で細かく潰す)
5. 肉団子を約15個を作り、粉をまぶして色がつけるまで揚げる
6. 白菜は一枚ずつお鍋の下に敷く
7. 紹興酒と醤油、水を鍋に入れ、揚げた豚団子も入れる
8. 火にかけて沸騰したら弱火にして1時間煮込む
9. カレーのように翌日の方がダントツにうまいので一日我慢。食べる量だけとって加熱して残りをまた冷蔵庫に戻す
