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執筆者の写真Pin-chun Lin

Grandma's Sweet & Savory Rice Pudding|お婆ちゃんの甘辛おこわ|阿嬤ê油飯

Denny's grandma was from Taichung where many kinds of food taste sweet & salty. It was always his grandma who does the cooking when his parents have friends gathering at home. Now Danny has inherited his grandma's dishes, and the love to the food and cooking, and becoming the 2nd generation of the home-chef....


Sticky Rice(aka Sweet/glutinous rice) 600g

Asian Shallot (or shallots in small size) 120g

Dried Longan 55g

Dried Shiitake Mushrooms 10-15 Pieces(Small-Medium size)

Dried Shrimp 45g

1 taro root (approx.600g)

Pork (Shoulder) 250g

Crystal Sugar 80g

Soy Sauce 70g

Water 630g


1. Rinse the rice until the water turns clear and let soak in water (630g) for 1 hour, and then cook in the rice cooker(prefer to set on "Harder" or "Fast" cooking in order to prevent soaking for too long time)

2. Cut pork into strips and pre-marinate with soy sauce and rice wine (1/2 Tablespoon each)

3. Soak shiitake in water

4. Soak dried longan in water

5. Soak dried shrimp in water

6. Take off the peel and slice the shallots thinly

7. Remove stems (if there were) and cut shiitake into strips

8. Slice off skin of taro root and cut into small cubes (1 bite size/ice cubes size)

9. Heat up some vegetable oil in a non-stick frying pan with low heat, and deep fry taro cubes until golden brown

10. Drain taro cubes and remove vegetable oil in a bowl

11. Add 3 tablespoon of the vegetable oil (which we fried with taro root) into the pan and stir fry asian shallots with low heat until golden brown and aromatic

12. Add in shiitake strips and shrimps and keep stir frying (keep low heat until the end)

13. Add in pork strips and keep stir frying

14. Add in 2 tablespoon of water from soaking shiitake (amount of water could be adjusted by the stickiness of cooked rice)

15. Add in soy sauce(70g) and crystal sugar(80g) and stir until sugar dissolves

16. Add in cooked rice fried taro, and mix everything well (lowest heat)

17. Tuck fried sticky rice in a big bowl tightly, and flip on a fat plate.




もち米        600g

シャロット       120g

桂圓(ドライ龍眼の実) 55g

干し椎茸 10-15コ(小〜中サイズ)

干しえび   45g

タロイモ 1つ(やく500−600グラム)

豚ロース     250g

氷砂糖    80g

醤油    70g

水   630g


1. もち米をきれいに研ぎ、水を切ってから630グラムのお水に1時間漬ける。1時間後は炊飯器でご飯を炊く。(お米をこれ以上漬けたくないので、早炊き、硬めなどのコースを選択)

2. 豚肉を細切りにし、醤油とお酒で下味(おおさじ1/2 づつ)

3. 干し椎茸を水に漬ける

4. 干し龍眼(桂圓)を水に漬ける

5. 干しエビを水に漬ける

6. エシャロットの皮をむき、小口切りに切る

7. 干し椎茸の茎を除き、細切りに切る

8. タロイモの皮をピーラーで剥き、一口サイズに切る

9. 揚げ焼き用の油(サラダオイルで良い)をフライパンに敷き、弱火で加熱してからタロイモを入れ、色が付くまで揚げる(中はサクサクになる)

10. 油を切ってタロイモをお皿に盛り(後で使用)、油を1つ小さいボールに入れる

11. 揚げ焼きに使った油を大さじ3、フランパンに再び入れ、弱火でエシャロットをあめ色まで炒める

12. 細切りの椎茸、干し海老の水を切り、フライパンに入れて炒める(弱火)

13. 下味をした豚肉を入れ炒め続ける

14. 椎茸の戻し汁を大さじ2、フライパンに入れる(たいたお米の様子で水分の調整が可能)

15. 醤油(70g) と氷砂糖(80g) を入れ、砂糖が溶けるまでよく混ぜる

16. 炊いたもち米を入れ、そしてタロイモをフライパンに戻し、均等に混ぜる(弱火)

17. できたおこわを大きいお碗に詰め、浅い皿の上にひっくり返す




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