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Hot & Sour Soup|サンラータン(酸辣湯)

執筆者の写真: Pin-chun LinPin-chun Lin

Taiwanese people tend to have hot & sour soup whenever we have dumplings(no matter boiled or fried dumplings, or soup dumplings: xiaolongbao ). Here is the home recipe of our hot & sour soup, make sure you have a bowl with your dumplings!


Silk Tofu-----------------------------30g


Black Fungus----------------------30g

Day Lily Bulbs---------------------10g

Shiitake Mushrooms-------------10g

Green Onion-------------------------5g

Red chilli pepper ---------- 1/2 stick

1 egg


Soy Sauce-------------3 Tablespoon

Rice Vinegar----------3 Tablespoon

Black Vinegar---------3 Tablespoon

White Pepper---------------- 1 Pinch

Potato/Corn Starch-----------1 Teaspoon

[How to make]

1. Chop tofu, carrot, fungus, Shiitake Mushrooms into strings.

2. Put chopped ingredients into the boiling water(700ml), cook for 10 mins.

3. Crack an egg into the soup, and then put potato/corn starch into the soup(the starch must be dissolved in water before put into the soup).

4. Put seasoning and cut chilis in and adjust by personal preference,

5. Add some green onion rings on the top before serve.




絹豆腐 -----------------------------30g

にんじん --------------------------30g

きくらげ --------------------------30g

金針花 -----------------------------10g

干し椎茸 --------------------------10g

青ネギ ------------------------------5g

生唐辛子 ----------------------- 1/2本

卵 ----------------------------------1個


醤油 -------------------- 大さじ 3

米酢 -------------------- 大さじ 3

台湾黒酢 -------------- 大さじ 3

白胡椒 ----------------------- 少々

片栗粉 ------------------ 小さじ1


1. 豆腐、にんじん、きくらげと水で戻した椎茸を千切り。

2. 水の入れた鍋に入れて10分煮込む。

3. 溶き卵を落とし、水で溶かした片栗粉を入れる。

4. 調味料と生唐辛子を入れ、自分の好みで酸味や辛さを調整する。

5. 輪切りした青ネギをトッピンングして完成。




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