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Mesona Jelly Dessert|仙草ゼリーのデザート|仙草仔湯

執筆者の写真: Pin-chun LinPin-chun Lin


Summer in Taiwan never passes without cold dessert soup. There are all kinds of ingredients soaking in the chilling syrup made from brown sugar, and they were definitely my one of my soul foods during the humid, scorching summer in this tropical island.

Have you ever seen the black square jelly in the market and had always wondered what it is? It is mesona grass jelly. It might look chemical but it is actually all natural and herbal/vegan. This traditional herb also helps you to cool off your body, so you can always see venders selling this black juice at the corners. Let's make it together and be cooled during the whole summer!


-Mesona Jelly

Dried Mesona Leaves 30g

Water 1000ml

Potato Starch 3g


Water 500ml

Brown Sugar 4 Tablespoon (can be adjusted by personal preference)


1. Rinse dried leaves and cook in water(1000ml) until boiling.

2. Turn down to low heat after boiling and stew in low heat for 2-3 hours. (with lid on)

3. Take out the leaves and you will get the dark mesona juice (which is the one selling at those street corners)

4. Take 500ml of mesona juice and boil again with low heat

5. Potato starch mix in water and add in to the heating mesona juice

6. Stir and cook with low heat until thick

7. Pour into a heat resistant container (preferably glass or stainless) and let it cool down

8. Move to the fridge and cool it completely

9. Boil 500ml of water for syrup

10. Add in 4 tablespoons of brown sugar

11. Dissolve sugar, turn off the heat and cool it in the fridge as well.

12. After cooling in the fridge for 4 hours, cut mesona jelly into strips and add into the syrup.

13. Enjoy your summer dessert!





乾燥の仙草  30グラム

水   1000ミリリットル

片栗粉   3グラム


水   500ミリリットル

黒糖  大さじ 4 (お好みで調整)


1. 乾燥の仙草を水でさっと洗い、1000mlの水で煮る

2. 沸騰してくると弱火にして、蓋をして2−3時間煮込む

3. 仙草の屑をざるで濾したら街中で売っている仙草茶になる

4. 500mlの仙草茶を再び鍋に入れ、 弱火で沸騰させる

5. 片栗粉を水でよく溶けて弱火にかけている仙草茶にゆっくり入れる

6. とろみが出るまでよく混ぜる

7. 耐熱性の容器(ガラスあるいはステンレスが良い)に入れて冷ます

8. 冷蔵庫に入れて芯まで冷やす

9. 500mlの水を沸騰させて砂糖水を作る

10. 大さじ4の黒糖を入れる

11. 黒糖が溶けたら火を消し、同じくゼリーのように冷やす

12. 冷蔵庫で4時間ほど冷やしてからゼリーを細切りにして砂糖水に入れる

13. 台湾の夏らしいデザートをいただきましょう!



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