Lunar New Year is the biggest holiday in Taiwan. Families get together for a week of holiday. What is eaten on the New Year's Eve? Why are they prepared and what are the stories?
On the 18th of January 2020, spend a day with us and you will get to know how traditional dishes are prepared on the Lunar New Year's Eve. It will be a 1 day tour with cooking class and dinner party which is a perfect chance and a close up experience to know how the locals prepare for their holidays.
Starting from grocery shoppings for the special dishes, then cooking together at our studio, and last sharing food stories of different regions of Taiwan and migrant from China.

We made New Years dishes from my our family recipes! Dishes that always appear on the New Year’s Eve at grandparents’ house, such as fried rice vermicelli, mullet roe, sugarcane smoked duck breast, chicken/pork jelly, cured pork belly with steamed rice cake, meat balls cooked with cabbages and #shaoxingwine , sticky rice pudding with taro paste😋 and #popiah with stir fried veggies. Of course with chicken soup of traditional herbal seasoning and cooked with #leafmustard . Also tasted numerous kinds of local liquors and even my husband’s secret 7 years aged plum sake and aged vinegar with red rice yeast.
Really happy to host our guests and until next year for the same event!




本省人 家族の私と外省人 家族の主人とデュエットで、それぞれの家族のおせち料理を披露。おばあちゃんちで必ず食べる焼きビーフン、カラスミ、私の大好物#甜米糕 という甘いもち米ご飯(黒もち米ともち米1:4で混ぜる)にタロイモペーストを挟み、さらにナツメと桂圓(ドライ龍眼)を載せます。

主人のお爺さん戦前に中国の浙江から台湾に来て、故郷の味をしっかり覚えて毎年私たちに作り方を継がせました。豚の皮でプリプリな#雞肉凍 、揚げない春巻きに炒め野菜を挟み、そして#臘肉 というプロシュートに似たような天日干し豚バラのハムを蒸して#鬆糕 というお米の蒸しケーキに載せます。白菜獅子頭 という#紹興酒 と醤油の味が聞いたミートボールと白菜煮も外省料理で有名な一品です。スープはもちろん漢方の鳥スープに#刈菜 という台湾の高菜を入れ、葉っぱが長くて長生きという意味が含まれます。
また数多くの 地酒 や、主人の7年寝かした梅酒や自家製紅麹のお酢などの宝物も全部掘り出し、皆さんと一緒に味わって楽しい時間を過ごしました✨✨
