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Rice Cakes for Chingming Festival|清明のお供え餅|清明祭祖粿

執筆者の写真: Pin-chun LinPin-chun Lin

In Ep3 we are making rice cakes that my grandma usually prepared during Chingming festival (also known as Tomb Sweeping Day).

Two kinds of rice cakes and their recipes, Green Herbal Rice Cake(草仔粿) and Red Tortoise Rice Cake (紅龜粿) are introduced in the video, and you can also find the recipes down this page.

Recipe of Red Tortoise Rice Cake (紅龜粿) 2 servings

Glutinous Rice Flour 40g

Sugar 2g

Water 30g

Red Rice Yeast 0.5g

Azuki Sweet Red Bean Paste 40g


1. Mill Red Rice Yeast into powder

2. Dissolve sugar in water

3. Add sugar water, red rice yeast and rice flour together, mix well and knead until smooth

4. Divide into 2. Roll rice dough rounded and flatten it (palm size)

5. Wrap 20g of sweet red bean paste inside and close the rice ball

6. Brush some oil on the stamp mold and then press rice ball on the stamp gently

7. Remove the stamp mold gently and place rice cake on a leaf of shell ginger (if you don't have a shell ginger leaf, it also works with bamboo leaves or just baking paper sheets). Make the other one with the left dough and paste.

8. Steam for 15 mins, leaving the lid with a small gap

9. Enjoy it after it is a bit cooled (super sticky when it's right after steaming)


Recipe of Green Herbal Rice Cake(草仔粿) 2 servings

Glutinous Rice Flour 40g

Sugar 2g

Herbal Juice(wormwood or cudweed) 30g

Sweet Azuki Red Bean Paste 40g


1. Blanch the young leaves of wormwood or cudweed, and blend into juice (add a little water)

2. Dissolve sugar in herbal juice

3. Add herbal juice and rice flour together, mix well and knead until smooth

4. Roll rice dough rounded and flatten it (palm size)

5. Wrap 20g of sweet red bean paste inside and close the rice ball

6. Brush some oil on the stamp mold and then press rice ball on the stamp gently

7. Remove the stamp mold gently and place rice cake on a leaf of shell ginger (if you don't have a shell ginger leaf, it also works with bamboo leaves or just baking paper sheets). Make the other one with the left dough and paste.

8. Steam for 15 mins, leaving the lid with a small gap

9. Enjoy it after it is a bit cooled (super sticky when it's right after steaming)




もち米粉 40g

砂糖 2g

水 30g

紅麹 0.5g

小豆つぶあん 40g


1. 紅麹をミルで細かい粉にする

2. 砂糖を水に入れて溶かす

3. 砂糖水、紅麹粉、もち米粉、全部ボールに入れてよく混ぜて均一になるまで捏ねる

4. 生地を2つに均等に分け、手のひらの上で平らにする

5. 20グラムの小豆つぶあんを取り、米粉生地で包む

6. くっ付くことを防ぐために、型に油を少し塗り、生地を型に入れて軽く押す

7. 丁寧に型から生地を外し、月桃葉の上に乗せる(月桃の葉がなければ笹の葉やクッキングペーパーも大丈夫です)

8. 蓋は隙間が空いた状態にして強火で20分間蒸す

9. ぬるくなってからいただく(蒸しあがりは強く粘っています)



もち米粉 40g

砂糖 2g

草ジュース(よもぎ草あるいは母子草で) 30g

小豆つぶあん 40g


1. よもぎ草あるいは母子草をさっと茹で、少し水を加え、ミキサーでジュースにする

2. 砂糖をジュースに入れて溶かす

3. ジュースをもち米粉に入れ、均等に混ぜてからよく捏ねる

4. 生地を2つに均等に分け、手のひらの上で平らにする

5. 20グラムの小豆つぶあんを取り、米粉生地で包む

6. くっ付くことを防ぐために、型に油を少し塗り、生地を型に入れて軽く押す

7. 丁寧に型から生地を外し、月桃葉の上に乗せる(月桃の葉がなければ笹の葉やクッキングペーパーも大丈夫です)

8. 蓋は隙間が空いた状態にして強火で20分間蒸す

9. ぬるくなってからいただく(蒸しあがりは強く粘っています)



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