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Grandpa Hu's Wenzhou Pork Jelly|胡おじいちゃんの温州豚皮テリーヌゼリー|胡爺爺的豬皮凍

執筆者の写真: Pin-chun LinPin-chun Lin

Are You Ready For A Food Journey With Us?

In Ep1 we are introducing my grand father who came to Taiwan from Wenzhou, China before WWII and started self-educating himself of the cuisines of his hometown with limited ingredients found in Taiwan. The video is dedicated to grandpa Hu, Kuangchun whose passion of food and the taste made him a true foodie.

☘Shiang Tsai is a documentary film series about deep food culture in Taiwan.

🎥Watch on Youtube



Pork Skin 200g

Chicken Breast 250g

Green Onions 2 sticks

Water 600ml

Minced Garlic 5g

Minced Ginger 5g

1 Star Anise


Soy Sauce 3 Tablespoon

Shaoxing Wine 2 Tablespoon

1. Cook pork skin and chicken breast until boil

2. Tear off chicken breast to small pieces

3. Cut off pork skin into strips

4. Bouquet garni with green onions and star anise in cheesecloth

5. All together in a pot and add 600ml of water

6. Put in seasonings

7. Simmer for 1 hour, until the broth is rich

8. Remove bouquet garni

9. Separate broth and material(meat+skin)

10. Add in materials first to the container, and then the broth

11. Let cool and place in the fridge

12. Slice & serve (dip in vinegar by personal preference)








豚の皮 200g

水 600ml

青ねぎ 2本

刻みニンニク 5g

刻み生姜 5g

1 八角


醤油(濃いめ) 大さじ3

紹興酒 大さじ2

1. 豚皮と鶏肉を沸騰させる

2. 鶏胸肉を手で小さくする

3. 豚の皮を細切りにする

4. ねぎと八角を濾し袋に入れ、くくる

5. 材料を全部鍋に入れる

6. 調味料も同じ鍋に入れる、600mlの水を加える

7. だし汁が出て濃厚になるまで弱火で1時間じくじく

8. 薬味袋を取り出し

9. だし汁を具材と分け

10. 具材を先に容器に入れ、次にだし汁を入れる

11. 冷めてから冷蔵庫に冷やし

12. 薄切りして盛り付けて(お好みでお酢をかけたり)いただく

🎵Music: Winter Foe Site:



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