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執筆者の写真: Pin-chun LinPin-chun Lin

How to make the No.1 delicacy of Taiwan, the Xiaolongbao soup dumpling?

Here is the recipe!




All Purpose Flour -------45g Warm Water -------------25g Dry Yeast ---------------- 1 pinch


Minced Pork -----------------------60g Pork / Chicken Stock Jelly------20g Minced Green Onion--------------2g Ground Ginger----------------------2g


Salt-----------------------------1 pinch Sugar--------------------------1 pinch Sesame Oil---------------------3g Soy Sauce​----------------------3g

Making of Dough

1. Add water slowly into the all purpose flour & dry yeast, and mix until it becomes a dough. 2. Dust your hands and the working table with flour, and knead the dough until the surface becomes smooth for about 5-6 mins. Keep kneading until the dough is chewy/ harder.  3. Wrap the mixing bowl and let the dough rest for 20 mins.

Making of filling

1. Make pork stock jelly from pork skin or chicken stock jelly from 2 chicken wings, add water into a milk pot, cook slowly and add 1 slice of ginger, 1 stick of green onion to remove the poultry smell of meat, cook for 2 hours until the stock gets white and thick, let it cool and it will become stock jelly. 2. Mix well with seasonings, and put in the freezer for 15 mins.


1. Take out the dough and cut each piece 6.5 gram. Shape the small pieces of dough into a coin size and then use a dough roller to roll each piece into rounded skins (8cm in diameter), make sure the edge should be as thin as possible, and the center is slightly thicker.

2. Put 16 grams of stuffing at the center of the skin, using left thumb to hold the stuffing staying in the skin, while using right thumb and index finger to pull up folds. Each Xiaolongbao gets about 20 folds.


1. Prepare a bamboo steamer with baking paper or steaming cloth inside, put Xiaolongbaos inside the steamer, making sure each Xiaolongbao has enough space when they stretch out after cooked.

2. Boil a pot of water, and put the bamboo steamer on the pot, put on the lid and let it steam for 5 mins and it's done!





中力粉 45g

水 25g

パン作り用のドライイースト 少々(保湿のため、なくてもOK)


豚挽肉 60g

豚皮の煮こごりゼリー 20g

刻みネギ 2g

刻み生姜 2g


醤油 3g

ごま油 3g

砂糖 少々

塩 少々



1. 水を中力粉にゆっくり入れながらよく混ぜる。

2. 手で生地を約5分間、滑らかになるまで練る。さらに生地に力を入れて中力粉のグルテンを出すようにこねる。

3. 生地を細長い形にしてラップあるいはふきんを掛けて、20分ほど休ませる。


1. 豚の皮(ない場合は鶏の手羽先で代用)を水で煮こごりを作る。



2. ゼリー状の煮こごりを20g取り、具の他の材料と調味料をよく混ぜてから冷凍庫に15分ほど少し固く凍らします。



1. 生地を6.5gづつに切り分ける。めん棒を使って直径8センチくらいの円形皮を作る。中心は厚く、端っこは薄く伸ばすよう作る。

2. 15グラムの具を皮に載せ、左手の親指で具を抑えながら右手の親指と人差し指で皮の端っこを摘む。繰り返して20折の小籠包を作る。



1. 中華セイロ(蒸篭・竹の蒸し器)にワックス・クッキングペーパーを敷き、均一なスペースを開けて小籠包を並べる。(蒸したら少し膨らみますのでスペースを確保)

2. 電鍋や深いお鍋に約100mlの水を入れ、沸騰してからセイロを入れ、蓋をして5分間蒸したら完成です。





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