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內雙溪藥用植物園:Neishuangxi Botanical Garden of Medicinal Plants

執筆者の写真: Pin-chun LinPin-chun Lin

Located in the mountain and close to Shihlin, Neishuangxi Botanical Garden of Medicinal Plants is a great place to escape the crowd from the city center but also very educational. The plants here are all for medicinal use, and some even with poison. The medicinal herbs in Taiwan are frequently sold in Chinese pharmacies, where you can simply tell the pharmacist your symptoms and get herbs that would ease your uncomfortableness. Here you get to see how these herbs look like when they are on the tree(usually dried in the pharmacies), which is a great opportunity for those who are interested in Chinese medicinal herbs.

Address: No.27, Lane 150, Section 3, Zhishan Road, Shilin District, Taipei City, 111

Closed on every Wednesday.

士林の奥にある内双渓薬用植物園は、都心に近い山の中にあります。薬用の植物だけ扱っていて、その多くも薬膳に使う生薬の木、生の草が見れて、薬膳好きな人にはオススメします🤗 普段漢方屋さんで見る生薬は乾燥されたものが多いので生のものを見るのにとてもいい機会だと思います。今春になってお花も沢山咲いていて行くのに一番オススメの季節です。





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